
7 Practical ESL Rental Car Conversations for Confident Intermediate TOEIC English Learners

In this blog post let’s master ESL Rental Car Conversations with 7 key dialogues for intermediate TOEIC English learners. These practical ESL rental car conversations are perfect for travel and TOEIC ESL students.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: The Importance of Rental Car Conversations in ESL
  2. Key Vocabulary for Hiring a Rental Car
  3. 7 Practical ESL Rental Car Conversations
  4. Inquiring About Car Availability
  5. Discussing Rental Rates and Options
  6. Understanding Rental Car Insurance
  7. Making a Reservation
  8. Picking Up the Rental Car
  9. Asking for Directions and GPS Setup
  10. Returning the Rental Car
  11. Practice Exercises for TOEIC English Learners
  12. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Rental Car Conversations
  13. Resources for Further Practice
  14. Conclusion and Call to Action


Introduction: The Importance of Rental Car Conversations in ESL

Renting a car can be a daunting experience, especially when doing so in a language that isn’t your first. For intermediate ESL learners, mastering rental car conversations is crucial not just for everyday travel but also for preparing for exams like the TOEIC. This article will guide you through seven essential rental car dialogues, designed to boost your confidence and proficiency in English.

ESL student in a rental car office asking about rental options
A rental car office with a sign that says “Car Rental” and a person approaching the counter to inquire about renting a car.

You can also watch a video here we made on our YouTube channel if you like to watch instead. See the full dialogue transcript at the end of this blog article.


Key Vocabulary for Hiring a Rental Car

Before diving into the conversations, familiarize yourself with the key terms commonly used in rental car transactions. Here are some important words and phrases:

  • Rental Agreement: The contract between you and the rental company.
  • Insurance Coverage: Protection against potential damages or accidents.
  • Compact Car/SUV/Convertible: Types of vehicles available for rent.
  • Mileage Limit: The maximum distance you can drive without incurring extra charges.
  • GPS Navigation: A system that helps you find directions.


Key vocabulary terms for ESL rental car conversations
A list of key rental car vocabulary terms on a whiteboard, with words like “Rental Agreement,” “Insurance Coverage,” and “Compact Car.


7 Practical ESL Rental Car Conversations

1. Inquiring About Car Availability

Scenario: You walk into a rental agency and want to check if they have cars available.

Conversation Example:

  • You: “Hello, do you have any cars available for rent today?”
  • Agent: “Yes, we have several options. What type of car are you looking for?”
  • You: “I’m looking for a compact car, preferably with automatic transmission.”


Key Points: Use polite phrases when making inquiries. The phrase “Do you have…” is a good way to start.

ESL student inquiring about car availability at a rental office
A customer speaking to a rental car agent at the counter, with a compact car in the background.


2. Discussing Rental Rates and Options

Scenario: You’re discussing the cost of renting different types of cars.

Conversation Example:

  • You: “Could you tell me the daily rate for an SUV?”
  • Agent: “The daily rate for an SUV is $70. We also have weekly rates if you’re renting long-term.”
  • You: “What does the rate include? Is insurance included?”


Key Points: Always clarify what’s included in the rate to avoid unexpected charges.


3. Understanding Rental Car Insurance

Scenario: You need to decide whether or not to purchase additional insurance.

Conversation Example:

  • You: “What kind of insurance do you offer with the rental?”
  • Agent: “We offer basic coverage, but you can upgrade to full coverage for an additional fee.”
  • You: “What’s the difference between basic and full coverage?”


Key Points: Understanding insurance options can save you from expensive mistakes. Always ask for details.

Rental car insurance options being explained to an ESL student
A rental car agent explaining insurance options to a customer, with a brochure showing insurance coverage.


4. Making a Reservation

Scenario: You decide on a car and want to make a reservation.

Conversation Example:

  • You: “I’d like to reserve a compact car for next weekend.”
  • Agent: “Sure, I’ll need your driver’s license and a credit card for the booking.”
  • You: “Here are my details. Can you confirm the reservation for me?”


Key Points: Confirm all the details to ensure your reservation is secure.


5. Picking Up the Rental Car

Scenario: It’s time to pick up the car you reserved.

Conversation Example:

  • You: “I have a reservation for a compact car under the name [Your Name].”
  • Agent: “I see your reservation. Let me get the keys for you. Do you need any assistance with the GPS?”
  • You: “Yes, please. Could you set it to English and input the address of my hotel?”


Key Points: Be clear about your needs, like setting up the GPS or checking the fuel policy.

ESL student picking up rental car keys from the agent
A customer receiving the keys to a rental car from an agent, with a parking lot of rental cars visible in the background.


6. Asking for Directions and GPS Setup

Scenario: You’re unsure about directions and need help with the GPS.

Conversation Example:

  • You: “I’m not familiar with the area. Can you help me set up the GPS?”
  • Agent: “Certainly! Where are you headed?”
  • You: “I need to go to the downtown area. Could you input the address for me?”


Key Points: Don’t hesitate to ask for help with technology or directions.


7. Returning the Rental Car

Scenario: You’re returning the car at the end of your trip.

Conversation Example:

  • You: “I’m returning this compact car. It was rented under [Your Name].”
  • Agent: “Thank you. I’ll check the mileage and fuel level. Did you have any issues with the car?”
  • You: “No issues, everything was fine. Here’s the key.”


Key Points: Ensure everything is in order (fuel, mileage) to avoid additional charges.

ESL student returning rental car at the drop-off area
A customer returning a rental car at the drop-off area, with an agent inspecting the car.


Practice Exercises for TOEIC English Learners

To reinforce your learning, try these practice exercises:

  1. Role-play Exercise: Pair up with a friend and practice each of the above scenarios. Take turns being the customer and the rental agent.
  2. Fill-in-the-Blanks: Complete dialogues with the correct vocabulary or phrases.
  3. Listening Practice: Find real rental car conversation clips online and practice understanding and repeating them.


Common Mistakes to Avoid in Rental Car Conversations

  1. Not Understanding the Terms: Always ask for clarification if you don’t understand a term or condition.
  2. Ignoring the Fine Print: Read the rental agreement carefully before signing anything.
  3. Assuming Insurance is Included: Always confirm the insurance details before finalizing the rental.


Resources for Further Practice


Conclusion and Call to Action

Mastering rental car conversations in English is a valuable skill for any ESL learner, especially those preparing for the TOEIC. By practicing these dialogues, you’ll not only be better prepared for travel but also improve your overall English proficiency. For more practice, check out our other articles on ESL travel conversations or visit our recommended YouTube channels.


**Full Dialogue Transcript – Hiring a Rental Car

1– Staff: Hello how can I help you?

2– Customer: Hi, I’d like to hire a car today.

3– Staff: Certainly. How many days will you require?

4– Customer: 7 days.

(Staff typing on the computer…)

5– Staff: Okay, and are you looking for a particular type of vehicle?

6– Customer: I’m looking for a medium-sized car. Something that`s sturdy and strong but not too big.

7– Staff: Gotcha.

(typing on the computer. Turning monitor to show to the customer.)

8- We have two medium-sized vehicles available, a medium-sized red SUV and silver sedan, if

9- color matters. Both have wide luggage space and good fuel consumption.

10– Customer: I like the silver sedan more than the red SUV. How much will it cost to rent each day?

11– Staff: The silver sedan costs fifty dollars each day.

12– Customer: Does it include GPS?

13- Staff: Yes, it’s standard in all our vehicles for no extra charge.

14– Customer: Great. Then I’ll take the silver sedan.

15– Staff: Good choice. We have some forms here that need to be filled out. I’ll need to see a 16- valid passport, driver’s license and international driver’s permit.

17– Customer: Of course. Here you go. (hands items)

18– Staff: Thank you very much. If you wouldn’t mind filling out these forms, I am just going to make copies of your IDs.

19– Customer: Okay sure. (few minutes pass) All done.

20– Staff:  Excellent. Let me just quickly go over your application… Looks perfect to me. Now,

21- would you like to take out any insurance coverage with the car?

22– Customer: Possibly…what type of insurance do you have?

23– Staff: We have two types of car insurance: Insurance cover A and Insurance cover B.

24– Customer: Could you tell me more about each Insurance cover?

25– Staff: Insurance A covers you against collision, accident damage and theft, and your excess

26-  will cover you for up to $500. Insurance B also covers you against collision,

27- accident damage and theft but your excess will cover you for up to $1500.

28– Customer: I understand and how much is each cover?

29– Staff: Insurance cover A costs an extra $10 per day while insurance cover B costs an extra $20 per day.

30– Customer: I see. I’d like to get B, for peace of mind.

31– Staff: Excellent.

32– Customer: I have a question, where do I return the car?

33– Staff: You can return the car outside in the parking area marked “Return”. It’s just outside 34- the front door and to the right next to the parking lot. And our latest return time is 9am.

35– Customer: No problem. And do I have to return the car with a full tank?

36– Staff: Yes, you do.

37– Customer: Okay got it.

38– Staff: Alrighty then. Let me calculate your final total…(buttons pressed) which will come 39- out to $539. This includes a 7-day car hire with Insurance cover B and an extra 10% service tax.

40– Customer: That’s fine. Here’s my credit card.

41– Staff: Thank you (credit card swipe and buttons pressed) and here is your receipt. All the 42- paperwork is done, so let’s go outside to inspect the car together for any damages.

43– Customer: Sounds good to me.

(they both inspect car..)

44– Staff: Is everything to your liking?

45– Customer: Everything looks fine to me.

46– Staff: Then here is your car key.  Enjoy your time here in New York.

47– Customer: Thank you very much.


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